Appearance Inspired by natural grass, it can be produced in different heights (pile height) in different frequency and color tones. Color and texture harmonies of natural grass images can be obtained according to the seasons by making mixed shades of yellow and red thin polyethylene yarns between different shades of green. Production: Synthetic grass carpets that are woven with jute base cloths with polyethylene yarns and then produced with the desired logistic length at 4 meters width by different plastering techniques are produced in different styles according to the areas where they will be used.

  • ANTIBAKTERIAL (Germ, bacteria, insects, tick does not create living)
  • ANTISITATIC (Electrification when using, does not create dust)
  • ANTISTAIN (No stains such as acids, bases, oil, alcohol)
  • ANTICANSEROGEN (Harmless to human and animal health)
  • SELF-CLEANING (Self-cleaning with rain and snow)
  • NOT REPAIR (Maintenance, repair, water-free)
  • EASY APPLICATION (Easy and fast to apply)
  • 10 YEARS GUARANTY (Application and all GRASS products are guaranteed for 10 years)